Fossil Expeditions

Peace River, Wauchula or creek in Arcadia when water levels are low. Limestone quarry near Arcadia when water levels are high.

Pine Crest 6th Grade Fossil Expedition

Since 2001

Since 2000, we have journeyed to the Peace River, a creek or quarry for a fossil expedition with author Mark Renz. Before the trip began, Mr. Renz gave us a brief safety lecture and showed us the types of vertebrate fossils we would be searching for. They included teeth from 9 different species of shark, as well as bones and teeth formerly belonging to mammoths, mastodons, giant sloths, armadillos, sabercats, wolves, capybaras, humpless camels and hornless rhinos, horses, peccaries, whales, dolphins, dugongs, alligators, snakes and turtles.

From our parked bus, we have walked about 500 feet along an old cow trail, then began to screen-wash for our fossils, or sludegd through a muddy limestone quarry to see what the back-hoe has brought up. Below are some of our finds and the students who participated.

When we go, everyone should have old tennis shoes that can get wet (no sandals), socks, shorts, change of dry clothes and shoes for later, hat, sunscreen, toilet paper (in case public restrooms are out), bag lunch and water or soda. Two plastic zip lock bags for each person is also recommended for placing their fossils, and you should have the bags labeled so they don't get mixed up with someone else's bag.

Once in the water, one person does the shoveling and the other holds the screen. Finds are usually shared. Everyone keeps what they find unless we come up with something new to science. Then it is donated to the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville. Mr. Renz will provide shovels and screens for collecting, and will have assistants with him to help identify your finds.

Please keep an eye on this web site for future updates.

Photos of finds and participants 2005

Photos of finds and participants 2000 and 2001

Photos of finds and participants 2000 and 2001

Photos of finds and participants 2000 and 2001